screaming at the market

Normal beautiful day at the farmer's market this morning--very cool for late August, with gray skies, but the abundant produce glowed and overflowed with color. All of those colors and flavors are so exciting to me, and when the vegetables are all lined up on our kitchen island, I love creating dinner. What a fortunate life we lead, with money and time and opportunity to buy such delicious food. We are among the blessed and I feel that as strongly here at the farmer's market as anywhere else on earth. We wandered through, and at the back of the market was a table for health care issues, anti-Obama, with a middle aged woman working the table. Husband and I had said many times, while watching the news, that if we were the person facing down an anti Obama health plan screamer, the first question we would want to ask them is, "Do YOU have health care? Do YOU benefit from medicare?" Just curious. It's a lot easier to hate something new when you are the Have and not the Have Not. I mentioned this to the husband, "We should ask her if she has health care." He say, "Ok, let's go ask her." Maybe a bad choice for my own health, in hindsight.

But we did. Husband asked. She said yes, she had health care. I said, "But what about those who don't have health care." She said, "I have health care because I work for it. If others want health care, they can work for it too." By this time an older dude and an older couple, also working the table, joined in. Husband asked the older couple, "But you have medicare, isn't that socialized medicine?" They said, "WE worked our whole lives and payed for it ourselves (a running theme with these folks)." Husband reminded them that WE are now paying in for THEIR care because the dollars they paid in are long used up. The system is nearly bankrupt. They didn't pay in anywhere near the amount that they are now getting out. I said, "What about those who can't work and get health care? Doesn't everyone deserve health care?" The first woman chimes in, "No, not everyone deserves health care. If you don't work, or you smoke hose cigarettes, or you eat bad food, then no, you don't deserve health care!" Ok, now these people are freaking me out. "What about children?" I ask, "Did you know that most of the uninsured are children?" Older dude cannot come up with an answer for this and so he screams at me at this point, "YOU ARE A COMMUNIST SOCIALIST LIBERAL DO NOTHING! IF YOU WANT HEALTH CARE THEN YOU SHOULD GET A JOB AND WORK FOR IT!" "Well huh," I tell him, "Matter of fact I DO have a job. I have had a job since I was 15 years old. And guess what? I STILL care about OTHER people. I care that OTHERS including many many CHILDREN do not have health care." He screams at me, "THEN WHY DON'T YOU USE YOUR OWN MONEY TO HELP THOSE PEOPLE YOU THINK DESERVE HELP." "Matter of fact, I do, by giving to charities as much as I can, as often as I can," I tell him. He then screams a me "THEN YOU ARE THE EXCEPTION AMONG LIBERALS WHO DON'T GIVE A PENNY TO CHARITIES!" Um, huh? Wow. This man is indeed crazy. I picture him with a the little Hitler mustache that they've been putting on Obama. Then yet another 65 year old dude starts screaming at me about what a socialist-communist-such-n-such I am. Husband steps in and repeats his question at some point, "Doesn't everyone deserve basic health care?" "NO," the dude screams at us. "Not everyone deserves health care!" Husband is still engaging older couple in debate, but at this point I said, "I'm walking on, I have nothing to say to that except that apparently I care more than that about my fellow humans." He screamed at me, "WALK ON SOCIALIST LIBERAL AND KEEP WALKING!"

I went over and sat down on a wall a little way away. A little boy, mentally and physically handicapped, plopped down next to me, smiled up at me and said, "HI! I'm Wyatt!" I said, "Hi Wyatt, I'm Julie." His mom asked if he was enjoying the fiddle music behind us, and yes, he was. I asked him if he'd heard the drum group on the other side and he nodded enthusiastically and started drumming on his knees. Wyatt started to wander off and his mom had to corral him, and did so with all the patience in the world although you could tell it was a more than full time job. I was still shaking. I was thinking about kids like Wyatt. Is he supposed to work for health care when he's an adult? Women like Wyatt's mom, is she supposed to work a full time job for heath care? Where does Wyatt go when she works? What about people who are heavily discriminated against in the work force? What about the handicapped? What about people with chronic illness or disease? Everyone, basically, who didn't win the genetic lottery that the
white guy who was screaming at me apparently won (in some respects)...what are they supposed to do for health care? I don't sleep at night thinking about suffering people, suffering children. I don't sleep at night thinking about the sanctimonious asses who screamed at me. I don't sleep over a lot of things. I'm feeling a lot of people's pain right now.


Anonymous said…
OMG! I had the same screaming match (well not as bad as yours) with my own MOTHER! She just doesn't get it! She hears it from my dad, and doesn't even realize how uncaring she sounds! Everyone deserves healthcare!!!! I agree and if I was there, I would have shouted back at them!!!! Remember-you are with friends in your sleepless worry!

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