to the editor

My letter to the editor--a news scoop for my readers. And do you know how hard it is to keep it to 200 words?  I tend to have 500 word opinions. 

I've heard time and again that some people in this country do not deserve health care. Immigrant workers are a prime target in the debate. Consider this: These are the people who pick and process our crops so that we can have plentiful, affordable food. Migrant workers, a high percentage of them illegal, do dangerous, labor intensive work that no one else wants to do. As one Washington Post article states, "the pay is so low, the benefits nonexistent, the conditions so harsh, if you can, you do something else." The same article states, "If you took every illegal out of the United States right now, you would shut down the food industry." Agricultural workers have increased rates of many diseases due to pesticide exposure, and increased injuries from hazardous conditions. They live in poverty, and yet are indispensable to us. Some people say that we should send them home, we owe them nothing, not even basic health care. Perhaps, then, they wouldn't mind going into a grocery store to find empty bins where their fruits and veggies once were. We are an impoverished nation if we don't care for those who bring the very food to our tables.


LH said…
Excellent! Did it make it in there??? I missed it.

When are we going out for fun ?

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