the time consuming business of personal care

There are not enough hours in the day, sometimes, to make all of the appointments I need to make for myself and the boys to keep our bodies healthy, our teeth cleaned, our orthodontia in place, our roots touched up, our minds at ease, our eyes properly outfitted with eyewear. Much less actually squeeze these appointments into our already full days. I just spent half an hour on the phone (at work, of course, because when I'm not working, neither are they) making various appointments over the next month, and those were only the most critical things. There are other appointments needed that I have not made yet, such as the one wherein I tell my optometrist that I can no longer put off getting bifocals. Perhaps there are other reasons I am putting off making this appointment. Perhaps I'm in denial. Perhaps this denial is embarrassing after spending five years harassing the husband to get bifocals so I would not have to read entire menus to him in restaurants.
(utterly unrelated photo: I want this pillow for no good reason other that it is lovely and I have a serious thing for orange right now. Maybe I will try to make one like it.)


LH said…
I'm making 2009 the year of the doctor appointments. So far, I have tooth surgery scheduled for next month, and I am hobbling around because i got a shot in my foot yesterday.
This is making me rethink my plan.

i love that pillow as well.

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