long cold winter
I've done many things these past few cold months, and I have failed to blog any of them. One thing I have done is to make it through the first two months of a fairly rigorous three month training plan aimed at working me up to running a half marathon. If this sounds ambitious, I have overstated. The training plan is not aimed at getting a runner up to any great speed. It is to allow a runner to complete the 13.1 miles without requiring ambulance service. But, I am a teensy bit proud of myself for sticking to the training plan, week in and week out, through pretty much the worst part of winter. I have run in the frigid cold, through snow, ice, six inches of slush, and bitter wind with chapped lips, wet feet, cold limbs, and frozen fingers. I would like to say I'm now tough as nails, but mostly I am just tired. Totally unrelated photo: son trying to avoid the probing eye of my camera.
I've loved to hear about your training on FB.
Well done, you.