another blogless day
I think I am kidding myself that I'm going to start writing more again. I get myself into a nervous twitch over not writing more, which doesn't help. I started to write something the other day about the backyard pool and how it nearly caused the breakup of my eight year relationship. Fortunately, we patched and caulked and held things together (the relationship, not the pool) and so the story was sort of anti-climactic. Not to mention that the metaphor ran dry after a few sentences. I have been writing long notes to my son each day, however. It seemed sort of awful to just leave him with a long list of chores to do each day, so I pick the one or two things that I really most want him to do, and then write him a long letter talking of many things but eventually getting around to the one or two things.
i'm so bloggified by now that everytime you told a story yesterday i thought, "great blog entry." I basically see the world thru the blog lens now.
fyi: we hosted a deer laying (lying?) down in our backyard this morning.