making space: a personal-slash-blog challenge
Instead of a resolution, I try to focus on a Sankalpa. A Sankalpa is a spiritual resolve, a promise to myself. New Years resolutions are usually about giving something up or changing something we don't like about ourselves--the focus is on the idea that what we have been doing is wrong and implies that we are not
enough. But, a Sankalpa focuses on what we want to call into our life, the focus shifts from lack to abundance. The focus is on "I am" rather than "I want" and setting my intentions in that direction.
One of the steps to help set a Sankalpa is to practice letting go of what you don't want in your life. One way to practice this is to get rid of one thing for 24 days, making room in your home and your heart for newness to enter. Maralee Fairbanks writes, in Elephant Journal, "Let go and create freedom, in the home, mind or body and create a sacred space. Inside this sacred space, you can develop the faith that you will be provided for and cherished without the aid of material things."
“You are what your deep driving desire is,
As is your desire so is your intention.
As is your intention so is your will.
As is your will so is your deed.
As is your deed so is your destiny.”
~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
One of the steps to help set a Sankalpa is to practice letting go of what you don't want in your life. One way to practice this is to get rid of one thing for 24 days, making room in your home and your heart for newness to enter. Maralee Fairbanks writes, in Elephant Journal, "Let go and create freedom, in the home, mind or body and create a sacred space. Inside this sacred space, you can develop the faith that you will be provided for and cherished without the aid of material things."
Part of the practice, too, is to not buy new things for 24 days. That's almost harder, but definitely a good practice for this internet shopper. I like this whole idea. I welcome this idea into my life, starting today. And to keep me on track, I have decided to blog each of the 24 days and 24 things I get rid of. I know what I am starting with today when I get home: the several pairs of unworn but perfectly good shoes under my bed are going to Goodwill.
Anyone want to join me in this Sankalpa/Blog challenge?
Thanks for getting this great challenge started. I am going to love it.
LH-I do yoga sometimes. If you want, I think you should.
Books probably don't count.