making space: day 2
Some of the things I need to get rid of are thoughts. Rehashed thoughts from the past. Worried thoughts about the future. This is the hardest space to make inside my head, and yet the task that seems most important--loosening my attachment to events that are gone and done, as well as events that may or may not ever happen. It is an ongoing effort, this living in the present moment thing, an effort I find that leads to more contentment when I can do it, and so I keep at it. And keep at it. And keep at it. Today at the UU church we also did our annual ritual of writing down something we want to release or eliminate or let go of in our lives for the coming year. I wrote mine down and consigned it to the fire. I like rituals like this. How much easier it was to go into my closet and pull out some shoes and a couple of blouses that need new homes!