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ai yi yi
These kinds of views take my breath away. In Rocky Mountain National Park we hiked a trail than ran along a slope of mountain sage, Indian paintbrush, wild blueberries and white-barked aspens. I could not help but stop and sit and look on in awe. When I was in my twenties, I climbed Long's Peak, one of the famous 14K peaks in this area. It was a hard, 16 mile climb through boulder fields, along cliff edges less than a foot wide, through snow fields and hand over foot up sharp rocks for the last many hundreds of feet to reach the top. But I don't know if I experienced the awe in the same way I did this time, hiking along a fairly gentle slope on a sunny blue day with my almost 15 year old son. Climbing Long's Peak was a challenge I set up for myself--some kind of proof that I was tough and brave and able. Funny how we need to do that when we are young and unsure, before life slams us with the real stuff. And now I know that there will be plenty of challenges, self-imposed or not, and most importantly I know that I am tough and brave and able, although sometimes still unsure at the same time. These days I have a whole different level of appreciation for joyous moments, large and small.
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I was just noodling along on my treadmill today when i thought, "I really should go faster." But then i realized i should just be happy that I'm sweating and it's 615 am. I thought of your other post. I've taken care of the sweating, now I have to squeeze in some laughter at some point. Can it be done?