i heart pandas

I haven't blogged for awhile. Not because nothing has been going on, but because everything that has been going on has been of a deeply emotional, personal nature. Too personal, too consuming to blog. I will draw parts of it out of my heart to put into words at some point, but the perspective of time is needed first. However, I am compelled to blog todady to tell about one of my respites from a stressful existance--pandacam. You can find it here: http://animal.discovery.com/cams/pandavidr.html Pandacam follows the mother and baby pandas at the National Zoo.

I open it in real player so I can reduce pandacam to a little box in the corner of my screen and keep one eye on the pandas at all times. I am heartstruck. The mother is so sweet and tender with the baby. She goes out to eat bamboo for awhile, but comes back in very often to wrestle around with the baby, nap with the baby, clean the baby. They spend a lot of time just rolling around together, locked in a panda hug. When momma is napping or eating, the baby flops around kicking its little fat panda legs like a newborn. Then it will curl up in a fat fluffy white and black ball and go to sleep again. I even watch it sleep. It is heart-breakingly sweet.


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