american as apple pie

This is where your tax money is being spent, according to the War Resisters League. You can read the detail data at Why do we tolerate this, and how do we stop it?

I just finished e-filing over the weekend. It is always a good feeling to get this odious task done because I get some of my money back. I get more back this year due to investment losses, which is small consolation. But it is a short-lived good feeling when I think about where the rest of my tax dollars are going, a pretty hefty pile of which goes, directly or indirectly, to killing people. Doing my taxes serves as a reminder to up my charitable giving, to put my money where I want it to go and keep the war machine's bloody hands off some small portion of my miniscule piece of the pie.


LH said…
thanks for posting this chart. it's really appalling.
I will check out that website.

I was just thinking I need to pull out the old "war is not the answer" sign that's been in the basement. we're going into year 3 here and it doesn't seem like anything's going to change any time soon.

we need a happy hour soon?
ros is getting the hang of the driving thing. yay.
Julie Anna said…
Yes! Happy hour! I am so in need of happy hour. One lunch a month is not nearly enough time for three women to talk about everything that is pissing us off. We didn't even get around to significant others last time! I am becoming more and more upset about war and trying to decide what I can do about it before the next elections roll around and we can get this bozo out of office. Glad to hear Ros is taking to driving. Andy is getting a bit better at figuring out where he is going, but where there is improvement, there is pain.

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