head games

Here's a secret. (I mean, what is the point of blogging if I am not going to expose some of the stranger cogs of my inner workings?) Whenever I go to the bathroom at work--there are three stalls--I play this game with myself wherein I must be inside the stall with the door shut before someone comes out of any of the other stalls. I don't know why I play this game, but I believe it must have it's roots in a game I used to play with my brother when we were little. We'd stand on our grandma's front porch and wait for a car to come down the highway. We would tense up in a sprinter's pose and wait, and when the car got to a certain point, but not before, we would blast off running towards the highway, making for this ditch-like depression that ran along the front of the yard. We had to be completely hidden down in the grassy depression before the car passed in front of the yard, effectively protecting ourselves from....we didn't really specify. (This was before we'd ever heard of anything like drive-by shootings, and I don't think we ever agreed on what, exactly, the imaginary threat was.) It was just this game we made up to pass the time, because to mention boredom or to even be inside during daylight hours was enough to bring down some kind of chore on our heads. The game could lead to some heart-pounding moments if a car came faster than expected, causing us to make a dive for the ditch, barely making in time. So maybe this bathroom game is an extension of that, I don't know. But it, too, can be quite heart-pumping if, say, as soon as I walk in I hear a flush from another stall and I know that I have a split second to get into the other stall without being seen. I know, in my head, that this is an incredibly weird thing to do, and yet it is so exciting when I have a close call. I've often wondered if other people play these kinds of games with themselves to keep life interesting. I know there is rarely a dull moment in my life that can't be filled with some kind of internal adventure. (The photo is either a) a clump of jelly fish, or b) a clump of jelly fish /eggs/ that have washed up on the beach in Mexico. The beach was covered with them one morning. There were also normal looking jelly fish, eight or so inches around and purplish, washed up with them. If anyone can clearly identify which this is, I'd be most appreciative.)


Bruce said…
thata girl. Way to keep your writing up to date! You are the woman for the job.

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