my fifteen minutes
This photo records possibly the only moment in history when I will be the third overall woman in an actual race. (ok, I will pull that affirmation back from the universal listening ear and hope that someday, somewhere, I can repeat this feat. But at almost 49, time is running short, universe.) There were not all that many people running this 10K on a cool, rainy day in the middle of nowhere. (Notice an entry in the antique tractor show behind us which had a much bigger draw than the 10K). My running buddy Tanya placed second. For awhile, as I ran behind her, I considered whether or not it would be appropriate for me to fly past her at the last minute and steal second place from her. We are each other's supporters, not competitors, and this ploy would lose me the good friend award in any case. Moral dilemma resolved when I realized there was no way I could actually catch her! Good run Tanya! Anyway, they only gave trophies to the first woman and first man, so it's not like we actually won anything. Still, it was pretty exciting and I was very pleased by my personal time, which was two minutes faster than I was counting on running it. I wish I could say that my running mojo was restored by this very good day, but alas, I am still in the running doldrums. I'm taking a couple days of rest, hoping that I can stop dragging my butt around and get back out there and get excited about the last 30 days of training before the Monumental Half Marathon. (photo: the super awesome running buddy and crime fighting duo)