that's not very much

I ran the required 20 mile training run last weekend. It felt as if it would kill me towards the end. I don't know if this has given me more or less confidence for the actual marathon. If 20 hurt that bad, why do I even want to run 26.2? This feat may involve crying actual tears. And anyway the next day a friend tells me that her coworker is training for a marathon and his longest training run was 24 miles instead of 20 and now it's nagging at me a little that 20 is possibly inadequate even though, according to the Relentless Training Plan, twenty is enough. I am happy to think that I have survived the worst of the training and my body is mostly intact although there are many parts that hurt quite regularly.
The longest run for the next two weeks is ten miles which I can knock out with minimal suffering. And then the big day. I want to get it over with. I want to accomplish this goal I have worked towards for so long. But I am not looking forward to the actual doing of it.  Totally unrelated photo: Trex 1: I love you this much.  Trex 2: That's not very much.  hahahahaha.  It made me laugh.


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