dwelling in possibility

Right now, I want to be nowhere else but in my own back yard, and how I wish you could all come and be here with me. There is a special magic to this early spring time of year in my gardens. Not everything is blooming yet, there is not the riot of color that you'd see in July, but everything is bursting with possibility. Right now it is all green and textures and smells--the chives are a day or two away from popping open their fragrant pale purple blossoms, the day lily leaves are pale pale green spears, and the hostas are just starting to unfurl in greens and yellows. Curled fronds of ferns are spreading in the shady areas under the pines, and peonies are fat with buds that will open in a couple of weeks. All the wonderful smells of mint, lavender, and sage are leafing out, and I stuck a patchouli in the ground yesterday for another smell to savor. All the ground covers are laying down different textures in yellows and pale greens and fuzzy whites. A few things like the pale pink irises are blooming in the softest colors. The big lilac bush is so very close to exploding into bloom and filling our whole house with lilac smells for the next few weeks. The redbuds are just fading and the dogwoods are bloomed out. It's all just magical to me. I wish you could all sit with me, light the candles I've hung all over the garden, have a cup of coffee and a piece of rhubarb pie, and soak up the cool, damp, greenness of it all.


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