the daily action adventure movie
Last night this exact scenario was playing out with two approaching dogs, and I was trying to pull my fluffballs of fury in the other direction. They somehow managed to get themselves twisted up in their barking melee, and the next thing I knew, Perkins' leash was looped around Tansy's neck in a noose, and Tansy was on the ground, being yanked this way and that, gasping for air. I went into immediate life-saving mode but it took me a minute to hold Perkins' leash with one hand, hold Tansy with the other hand, and get the leash from around Tansy's neck--it was looped around twice--while all the dogs involved were going bat-shit crazy. Except Tansy. She was just gasping for air. By the time I got her loose and got both of them locked down on the shortest leash setting, I was shaking. It was all just too much. They remained on leash lock down and were marched directly home, no stopping, no peeing, no nothing. Tansy seemed fine afterwards but I watched her closely for signs of neck injury or choking. It was a terrifying adventure, and both dogs are on leash lock down for all walks in their immediate future, if they even get to go on a walk at all. These little twerps need much more discipline and I am resolved anew to give it to them. Since my kids have grown, I have lost my disciplinary edge, and even though my dog is four and a half pounds, she needs some tough love.
(Photo: Perkins and Tansy on a better day, sharing a strawberry popsicle after running around in the heat in the back yard.)