driving: day something

We have three more driving classes and this nightmare of driving to the other end of town at rush hour will be over. I picked the boy up at 7:30pm last night, after school, driving practice, and driving class. He left the house at 7:15 am yesterday morning. That's a long day by any standards. He said that he'd nearly killed them all when the driving teacher distracted him by talking, causing him to cross the center line when a car was coming and then overcorrect and veer a little off the other side of the road. I asked if the driving instructor screamed or got angry or what? He said she laughed. Now there is a woman who hasn't a nerve ending left. Another career option to cross off my list of possibilities. Teacher of young children--no. Driving instructor--no. I simply don't have the nervous system for these things. My undying gratitude to those of you who do.


LH said…
when does he actually get to have a real license? i can't believe these people are getting this old. i remember him at bdlc with a cowboy hat on. or in second grade being a perfect mummy at r's halloween birthday party. driving is a big change i think.
Julie Anna said…
16 and some odd days for the real thing. And no, they can't possibly be this old. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss the little kid birthday parties, and their thrill over the goofy little gift bags and cupcakes. I still have a picture of Andy in my mind from his second birthday party...a fringe of white-blonde hair, in his cowboy boots, holding his new Cabbage Patch doll. Ok, now I am all sad and nostalgic.

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