bullet journaling: to take action or not

I'm getting into this August blog challenge, but maybe in a slightly different way than friend LH thought of it.  I'm using it to try to SPUR myself to action that I know I should take, rather than shirking my way through the dregs of summer.  So here is what I'm thinking about today: I think bullet journals are cool.  I like the idea of one.  I like the thought of having a list of actionable goals for my day, week, month, year, life.  But I have not been the kind of person who can get this done.  I feel like the bullet journal would become yet one more thing I procrastinate on, and just end up disappointed with myself.  I've tried, many times, to keep a one or two line, free-form, daily journal and failed miserably.  Miserably.  I read articles on bullet journaling, on making effective to-do lists (are you familiar with the Eisenhower matrix?  How about the 1-3-5 method?), setting achievable goals, and even on how to make your bullet journal look all fun and creative.  All this research leaves little to no time for actual bullet journaling.

See this bullet journal entry in the photo?  This is a suggestion I found on Pinterest.  Really, people?  I don't have time or inclination to journal how many bottles of water I drink in a day.  This is someone who has some time on her hands.  This is the kind of person I see as the successful bullet journalist. I guess if  a doctor told me I must drink X bottles of water a day or risk death, then I'd probably try to keep better notes.  But so far so good on just winging it on the water.  There are, however, some interesting things I could track--daily mood with a color or a simple smiley/frowny/meh face, progress towards defined goals (if I could think of some), books I've read, the dogs vaccination schedule.  These are the kind of things that might be extremely useful and/or interesting to look back on next year or in ten years.

Do you, friends, do bullet journaling? Am I really missing the boat on this one or is it yet another time suck that no one in the real work-a-day world has time for?


LH said…
This post was right up my alley. I read the links and am pondering on these methods.

I do bullet journal, but not like the real bullet journalists.

i do a daily to do list, put some long term goals, add stickers and inspiring quotes. At the end I keep track of my weight (groan. I'm not losing, nor am I gaining, so let's be happy with that latter bit of info), movies I've seen. On the monthly calendars, I put an x on monthly goals like writing about adventure or delights, or walking 30 minutes a day. That last one is for September. I love my bullet journal.

I like to look back on where I was last year and see that I actually got some stuff done. Game changer.
Julie said…
Inspiring! I decided to give it a go last week. Shelled out for a notebook I really liked. Am trying to track some stuff. Gave up very quickly on making it look like the bullet journals on pinterest. I don't have time for that.

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