
Showing posts from 2005

cinquain for a gray day

pittsburgh, to round off this crazy month


all hallow's eve hayride

the new house on 4th

view from the sixth floor

where the heart is

eating our way to the end of summer

driving: day something

the poetry of dark mornings

driving: day three, and other trivia

driving: day one

i heart pandas

slipping my skin

the things we do for fun

trying to do the right thing

an open letter to teenagers

getting through and then some

book slump

ai yi yi

blue skies and cold water

as if life isn't funny enough

not now

chicken baby

government reporting


there are moments

hair, from a spiritual aspect

moist, continued


a large contingent of good people

the chickens

the giant jesus

muscle mutts

funky, giddy mood

thank you, God, may I have another?

just smile and nod

slowing down

blog! you're it!

garden greens and blacks and blues

another blogless day

i do not want to play marco polo

building up to a diatribe, sort of

surprise in the tall grass

friends and falls

andy in north carolina

chives in bloom

sweet woodruff

my quiet place

stranger things have happened

my son is cool

life underwater

day two point five...

I don't want this