
Showing posts from 2008

yes, so,

inside me now

renaissance woman or feminist reject

one defintion of success

what I thought when I heard that the world was supposed to end when they turned on the new proton accelerator yesterday

salt spill

screech owl

Indiana possibly in the spotlight

rain or shine

what is our scene, exactly

other minor details

sixteen pounds

the Tetons

it's official

in defense of honeymoons

ten wedding cakes

rock out with my Barack out

better than botox

nuptial nails

getting on with it

nominating myself for sainthood

deep in the woods

Houston, we have progress

full on gardening

heart of mine

next? locust?

creek's high and the memories flood

17th century bender

crazy cat lady

on the upswing

head games

upping the boring quotient

just copy and paint

that martha stewart
