it's official

I guess this is as close as we'll come to the "official" wedding photo--from friend who volunteered to take some pictures. Most disappointed that every photo has the work van in the background. When I did prom pics of the kiddos, I went to great lengths to make sure the background was nice. A few step's shift to the right and then aiming a little to the left would've given him a lovely background of pine trees. But whatever, here we are. It was a lovely hot day, and life has moved on so swiftly that it's almost a blurred memory. I keep thinking of all the little things that I intended to do or have ready for the big day which never got done. The bubbles, for one. Forgot to get out the little things of wedding bubbles. I am quite happy, though, that we were able to get married in flip-flops. That really made it the wedding of my dreams. I'm not being facetious...I was quite happy with the casual nature of the affair of garden, good friends, and much laughter.


LH said…
U 2 look v. beautiful.
Did you ever get the
pic i emailed you of you and your dear son???

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