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athletic apparel
I have not been blogging much again, so I will try to rise to August's alphabetic challenge, thanks to the prodding of friend LH, blogger extraordinaire. I'd like to discuss my ADDICTION to ATHLETIC APPAREL. Oddly enough, boss and coworker and I were just discussing this very thing. While we are all rather frugal people, we all fail at frugality when it comes to sports gear--bikes, skis, rollerblades, new running shoes, the latest gizmo, gadget, or techie fabric--we are all suckers for this stuff. I do not do as many sports as my tri-athelete co-worker, but still find my fair share of sports gear and apparel to spend money on. Running shoes last for about 300-400 miles for me, depending on the shoe. I run quite a bit and shoes cost quite a bit, so no doubt I could feed a family in a poor country on what I spend on running shoes. I try not to feel guilty about this. I have to try to keep my feet and knees and calves healthy so that I can continue to run, and the best way to do this is to not skimp on shoes. So I tell myself. The apparel is another matter. I could limp through on less apparel than I own, but I do so love the stuff. I have running apparel for every possible temperature range from 10F to 100F. And then there are the calf sleeves--they support my calves. And the compression tights--very valuable for recovery after long runs. But, frankly, sometimes I just buy new stuff because I want something new and groovy. The running skort--not necessary but it's so cute, so shoot me. My running buddy and I are going to our favorite running store today. Ostensibly, she is going to try on new shoes. I added up the miles on the pair I have and I do not need new shoes. I don't need anything. I am putting myself under strict orders not to buy anything, but orders can be broken.