noodle-headed numskull
Newsflash: After hitting Publish Post and then View Post, I realize that I did M twice. That is how my hectic life goes sometimes--I didn't remember that I did M yesterday. I do remember what I had for breakfast because I pretty much have a bowl of Shredded Wheat n' Bran (tm) every day of my life unless it's winter, and then I have oatmeal. But I felt like this explanation of my Noticeably Nitwitted gaff needed a totally unrelated photo and, lo and behold, I had a photo of Andy-the-touring-son with his first electric bass, at about 12 years old. So it was worth it afterall because I didn't realize that I had this photo saved on my computer and it's real keeper.
BTW Is his name Tony because tonyze is my word verification for this comment.
I'm excited about your son's tour.