meep merp
The world's cutest cat, seen here looking very sweet and coy, almost never makes real cat sounds. The only time she does make real cat sounds such as "meow" is when the neighbor cat comes to the window and she wants it to go away. And then she says it very loudly and with a growl. This situation can occur in the middle of the night and it is hair raising for all of us, including the cat. But the rest of the time she is either completely silent (97% of the time) or makes very odd squeaking noises like "keek" or robotic noises like "meep-merp". She says "meep-merp" after she gets her spoonful of tuna in the morning, and so we pretend she is saying "thank-you". It's a stretch, but it could be "thank-you". She also says it when I let her back into the house from her flirtation with the great outdoors on the front porch. "Meep-merp". And I often say, "You're welcome."