moist, continued

These are the direct result of moistness--poisonouss fungi, springing up in large patches all over my soggy yard. Lest I sound ungrateful, I assure you that I love a good rain. I am a gardener, and two weeks ago I was praying for rain. It is the lingering, oppressive dampness that curls the artwork pinned to my walls and fuzzes the spines of old books with greenish mildew and makes damp towels smell like stinky feet that I dislike. Enough about moist.


LH said…
i'm not crazy about moist, the word, either. I hate when people eat cake and make smarmy sounds about how moist it is. gross, people, get some self respect.
Anonymous said…
Moist is a bad word, but you can't call a cake humid, can you? Or sultry? How about damp? Doesn't fly.
LH said…
I just avoid the situation altogether by 1.) not eating cake very often and 2.) uttering my pleasure with those rare cakes I do eat with a remark like, "not even remotely dry."

BUT, my worst word of all time is ...nougat. Can hardly stand to type it. Moist is a bit lower on the list.

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