monumental music-making
Son Andy has been touring with his rock band. (He texted me this photo the other day.) This tour is a joyous thing and a worrisome thing. Joyous, because every mom wants their kid to be happy, and playing music and actually getting a chance to play big cities makes Andy very happy. And hey, I've been 20 and this kind of adventure would have been at the tippy top of my list. Worrisome, because you don't stop worrying about them at 20, and if my mom is anything like typical, apparently you don't stop worrying about them at 50 either. I have been working hard to squelch my over-arching momness (momitude, mominality) and give him space to do this thing. I've texted him a couple of times just to ask how things were going. Ok, to be honest, once I asked him if he was eating. And one other time, when they were in DC and he'd texted that they'd slept on the floor of a bar in Philadelphia the night before, I asked him if he had a place to sleep that night. (The answer was "yes" but not where...I let this go.) The rest of the time I've been saying encouraging things like "Have fun!" and "What an adventure!" and "That's awesome!" I think I'm doing ok. So far they have played in Dayton, Columbus, someplace in New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, and DC.