zealously zen
So, I nearly made it this time as far as the blog challenge. Not quite under the wire, but at least I got to z this time. Good challenge fellow bloggers! I got busy yesterday at work and didn't get my z's in. It happens. In the end, does it matter that I'm typing this 12 hours past August? I try to maintain some zen-like composure about the little things. I'm not a monk, so this is not always doable for me, but there are definitely things that used to put me over the edge which barely phase me anymore. I do know people, however, who can turn ANY situation into a zen moment at the drop of a hat. They are zealously zen. One might say over-zealously zen. "I have been given a wonderful opportunity for growth!" they might exclaim upon losing their job. It all happens for a purpose! Change is exciting! Everything holds a lesson! And maybe it does. I am usually able to come around to that view of events. But sheesh, people, sometimes one has to rail on a bit before whatever seemingly crappy thing that just happened turns itself inside out so that one can see the silver lining. You know what I mean? Sometimes it is more a matter of cutting down the time I spend totally losing it than being zen about something from minute one.