better than botox

I was in Big Box Sporting Goods last weekend, looking for bike parts and sweat wicking clothing, when I happened upon a whole rack of sparkly hula hoops. These were the good kind, slightly weighted inside with something--I think maybe water rather than the old style beads that made the fabulous, circular swooshing sound. I bought a big sparkly green one. It is very fun. I've been hula hooping for a few minutes every day. For me, it's like the wheel-o (remember the wheel-o? addictive once I start the twirling swirling action. I highly recommend the hula hoop for recapturing that "almost out of school for the summer" feeling. I'm thinking of working up an act involving my baton twirling and the hula hoop, but I haven't tried the two together so I'm not completely sure if this is going to fly. My family was quite amused with my baton act in the beginning, but this has become old hat and no longer worth the price of admission (attendance is free, and in fact, mandatory). I can just imagine the look on their faces if I can wow them with a combination hooping/twirling act.


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