deep in the woods

The partner and I braved the drippy cold weather a little over a week ago to take a hike in the woods. (Just now getting the pictures off the camera--life has been way too busy.) We just needed to get outside, come hell or high water. Hiking around Griffy Lake, I was amazed at how "very early Spring" it was in the deep woods. Everything in town has been so heavily in bloom for several weeks, surrounded as we are by the heat sink of cement roads and sidewalks and parking lots. But in the woods, things were more on their natural course. The very early wildflowers were starting to bloom through the wet, leafy forest floor. The trees were just barely in bud. The water in the creek was clear and the most amazing color. We could spot deer through the bare branches, and there was almost no one else around. We were cold and damp and muddy when we got back, but it was a beautiful hike.


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