heart of mine

My camera batteries are dead, and I irritate myself daily by remembering this fact when I'm at work and can't do anything about it. And forgetting again when I get home and can remedy the situation. So I've been revisiting old pictures to find something for the blog, and going through old pictures can bring up a lot of stuff. This picture, for instance, in which I am hugging my son--a picture opp during a hike, and just an excuse to give him a hug. He's a good kid, and he still hugs his mother. He's kind and considerate and is there when he says he'll be. But I'm still adjusting to this new kind of life wherein my son has his own life. It's all good, as he likes to say. I'm happy that he has friends and things he enjoys doing. I'm happy that he has some money and a car to get out and explore and experience the world on his own, along with having a healthy dose of good sense. It is all as it should be. And still, I miss him sometimes. I even had to apologize for jumping his case the other day for basically not being around at all. I claimed he was shirking his responsibilities at home. But that wasn't totally it. He does help me when I ask, because he really is a good kid. At the bottom of it, I realized, was just the simple desire to have him around to putter in the garden with me like he used to do as a little kid. Or do an art project with me. Or cook dinner with me. I am happy that he's a responsible, independent, outgoing, loving human being. But I do miss a lot of those "little kid" times. Guess that's how it is for moms.


LH said…
it feels weird for me too.
i relate to this post. I kind of thought they'd be gone when they moved away. but they're gone an awful lot now. I didn't expect that and I guess I should have.
Bruce said…
Don't worry young lady, it will be alright when you and Lee have the baby.
Julie Anna said…
People our age should not have kids. We sometimes forget to feed the cat.

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