full on gardening

No time for putting my feet up quite yet. Gardening season is coming into full swing. For starters. we have wheelbarrowed and spread four yards (two trailer-loads full) of mulch. I have moved and repositioned three hundred pounds of stepping stones (accumulated over the years) and I need about another two hundred pounds to complete a new path I'm putting in. Four hundred pounds, if I worked on another path I want to put in, but some things must wait. Rock isn't cheap. The green house is full of seeds turning to seedlings which must be fussed over a bit. The veggie garden is all underground energy at this point--lettuce, spinach, garlic, onions. Almost everything about gardening is heavy until you get to plant the tiny, delicate plants. That part, the part after the infrastructure is in place, the part that brings it all to life, is a few weeks off yet. I started to say "my favorite part" but honestly, I have a lot of favorite parts: 1) when the forsythia and daffodils are full on and the yard absolutely glows with yellow 2) when the chives and other early, bright green and pale violet perennials bloom, 3) when the mulch is fresh and dark, before the weeds come in, and everything looks so polished and perfect even without the plants, 4) when the zinnias come on strong and vivid and the Veronica adds a spikey purple-blue punch, 5) when the basil is full tilt and I can walk out the back door and pick fresh, delicious things for dinner, 6) when my body is a good kind of dead tired, and I fall into bed completely content with my day of gardening, 7) when I can sit on my back deck with a glass of wine, surrounded by deep greens and brilliant colors and birdsong and think "Wow." This is a start on my favorites list.


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