Farther, Faster

These are two words I cannot accomplish in my running this summer. It is too hot and too humid. I hate to blame things on the weather. The weather cannot be controlled, and so one must soldier on no matter what if life is to be fully lived. I did run all winter, and while I complained some (maybe I complained a lot), I didn't feel absolutely miserable about it the way I am feeling about summer running. I can't seem to do heat and humidity anymore. I could get up very early in the morning and run then. I could. People do. I do, on occasion. But while I'm a morning person, in general, what I mean by that is that I'm a person who likes to get up early in the morning and linger over coffee and a bowl of cereal and then start being productive sometime later, not a person who likes to get up on an empty stomach and start slogging, crusty-eyed, through a long run. Oh well. The only person pushing me on this is myself and I should cut myself some slack, although I rarely do.


LH said…
The heat's been tough stuff. I allow myself to complain about only one season's weather. And that would be summer.

I couldn't believe you did that half marathon in the blazing heat a few weeks ago. You are amazing!
KC said…
I hate running in the heat, too. I'd much, much rather freeze.

Treadmill? Air conditioning?

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