noodle-headed numskull

Newsflash: After hitting Publish Post and then View Post, I realize that I did M twice. That is how my hectic life goes sometimes--I didn't remember that I did M yesterday. I do remember what I had for breakfast because I pretty much have a bowl of Shredded Wheat n' Bran (tm) every day of my life unless it's winter, and then I have oatmeal. But I felt like this explanation of my Noticeably Nitwitted gaff needed a totally unrelated photo and, lo and behold, I had a photo of Andy-the-touring-son with his first electric bass, at about 12 years old. So it was worth it afterall because I didn't realize that I had this photo saved on my computer and it's real keeper.


mm said…
It'd be nice to see a current pic next to the twelve year old pic.

BTW Is his name Tony because tonyze is my word verification for this comment.
LH said…
2 M's. You're getting some extra credit on that, babe.

I'm excited about your son's tour.

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